The most important signs that you have a magnesium deficiency and what to do about it

Magnesium is a ubiquitous element, ranking among the ten most abundant minerals on Earth. It also occupies a prominent place among the five most abundant minerals in the human body, with approximately half of them found in our bones. Despite its prevalence, millions of people suffer from magnesium deficiency without realizing it due to the limited availability of accurate diagnostic tests. However, there are telltale signs that can indicate a need for more magnesium in your system.

The importance of magnesium

Magnesium plays a critical role in over 300 different biochemical reactions within the body. It is especially abundant in the soft tissues of vital organs such as the brain and heart, which depend on this mineral to perform their functions optimally. Magnesium helps regulate body temperature and facilitates detoxification. The list of health benefits associated with magnesium intake is extensive, but some noteworthy advantages include:

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