16 Terrible Things All Women Do But Would Never Admit

Women often keep certain habits and behaviors to themselves, even if they are considered gross or a bit embarrassing. These are things that women commonly do but rarely acknowledge, not even among their peers. We all have our moments where we’re a mixture of prim, proper, and a bit clumsy, but these are our little secrets that we prefer to keep to ourselves.

Here are 16 things many women do but rarely discuss openly:

Reusing bras: Putting used bras in the wash and then taking them out again to wear them because they are more comfortable than others.

Inspect feminine hygiene products: Inspect tampons or sanitary pads discreetly after use.

DIY Pads: Make makeshift pads using toilet paper when you run out of actual pads.

Bra Freedom: The exhilarating feeling of taking off your bra as soon as you get home.

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