The way you clench your fist says a lot about your personality; Find out what

Type B grip:

This type of fist belongs to a charismatic and talented person. Your thumb covers the other four numbers, indicating that you are not the one who keeps his emotions bottled up. You are very outgoing and sociable and express your feelings openly and directly. You are not shy about speaking what’s on your mind.

Internally, you are enthusiastic and ambitious. You may have secret goals that you keep to yourself because you think others may not understand or support them. You work tirelessly to achieve your goals, while maintaining a strong focus on what you really want.

While some people may view you in a different light, it is essential that you are not swayed by their opinions. Keep working towards your goals, as other people’s perceptions should not matter to you.

Type C grip:

This type of fist reflects a tendency toward introversion. Notice how the thumb is hidden by the other fingers, just as you keep your thoughts and feelings hidden from all but a select few. You prefer solitude, avoid drama, and maintain a small circle of close friends. You value integrity and tend to avoid individuals who display dishonest behavior.

Internally, you search for meaningful connections in your life. Superficial small talk doesn’t matter to you; You prefer deep, meaningful conversations. Having your own space and privacy is extremely important to you. You don’t like people who waste your time or intrude on your personal space.

You possess a gentle, non-confrontational spirit and are at your best when in solitude, allowing your mind to wander and find calm.

While reading body language is more art than science, these three types of gripes can often provide insight into the type of person you are. Embrace your unique traits, as each type of grip has its own set of benefits. Remember, your personality may not exactly match the type of fist you form, and that’s totally okay.

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