If you have a small hole above your ear, here’s what it means

We all have distinct characteristics that set us apart from each other, and these characteristics are not always obvious or physical in nature.

If you have a keen eye for detail, you may have noticed a subtle hollow above the ears in some individuals. Surprisingly, you may have one yourself without even realizing it.

From a distance, this feature can be mistaken for a puncture, birthmark, or scar resulting from an injury. However, it is actually something much more interesting and relatively rare, only found in a small percentage of the population.

This congenital anomaly is referred to as preauricular sinuses or pits, and is not very common in the United States, where less than one percent of the population suffers from it. The prevalence is slightly higher in other regions of the world, such as Asia and Africa, where between four and ten percent of people are affected.

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