She poured Listerine onto a cotton ball and rubbed it into her armpits

Show the interesting scenario of pouring Listerine onto a cotton ball and using it on your armpits.
Explain that the article will delve into the origins of this practice, the possible reasons behind it, and its effectiveness.
Mention the importance of understanding the science behind these practices and their effects on health.
Section 1: Listerine’s original purpose

Listerine is described as a well-known mouthwash and its primary use.
Highlight the active ingredients in Listerine and their oral health benefits.
Section 2: Origins and popularity of the Listerine armpit myth

Discuss where and how unconventional use of Listerine on the armpits gained popularity.
Explore the various claims and anecdotes related to this practice.
Explain how viral trends on the Internet can contribute to such myths.
Section 3: Evaluation of Claims

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