What do these red dots on your skin mean?

Impetigo: This contagious bacterial infection is common in children, and results in the formation of red sores that open, ooze fluid, and form a honey-colored crust.

Fourthly. Vascular and systemic causes

Hemangiomas: These are birthmarks caused by abnormal growth of blood vessels. They can appear as red dots on the skin and are usually harmless, but in some cases medical intervention may be necessary.

Vasculitis: This condition involves inflammation of the blood vessels, which causes red dots to appear on the skin. It can be the result of autoimmune disorders or infections.

Guttate rash: Although often associated with serious conditions such as meningitis or sepsis, the rash consists of small red or purple dots and can indicate bleeding under the skin.

V. When to seek medical attention

While many cases of red dots on the skin are harmless, some may indicate underlying health problems. It is important to seek medical attention if:

Red dots are accompanied by fever, pain, or other discomfort.
Points rapidly increase in size, number or intensity.
The points are accompanied by other symptoms such as fatigue, weakness or dizziness.
VI. Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosing the cause of red dots on the skin often involves a combination of medical history, physical examination, and sometimes lab tests. Treatment varies depending on the underlying cause and can range from topical creams and antihistamines to more specialized interventions.


The appearance of red dots on the skin can be worrisome, but armed with knowledge, we can better understand their possible causes and repercussions. From benign conditions like cherry angiomas to more serious concerns like vasculitis, our skin can be a canvas for our overall health. While some cases require medical attention, many cases are transient and self-healing. If you find yourself facing an outbreak of red dots, remember that a thorough understanding of your skin and its behavior can enable you to make informed decisions about your health.

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