What do these red dots on your skin mean?

Petechiae and purpura: These are small red dots that result from broken blood vessels or capillaries under the skin. They can be caused by factors such as stress, coughing, or certain medications. Although they are usually harmless, they can indicate underlying medical conditions such as platelet disorders.

Cherry angiomas: These are small, bright red, raised bumps that result from an overgrowth of blood vessels. Cherry angiomas are generally benign and become more common with age.

Heat rash: Also known as prickly heat, this condition occurs when sweat gets trapped in the sweat ducts, causing red, itchy dots to appear on the skin. Heat rash is common in hot and humid conditions.

Allergic reactions: Red dots can be the result of allergic reactions to foods, medications, insect bites, or contact with certain substances. Histamine release can cause skin redness, itching, and hives.

Third. Infections and skin infections

Folliculitis: This is inflammation of the hair follicles, often caused by a bacterial or fungal infection. It can lead to red, pus-filled dots that can itch or hurt.

Cellulitis: A bacterial skin infection that can cause redness and swelling of the skin with a warm touch. It usually requires immediate medical attention and antibiotic treatment.

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